Saturday, April 25, 2015

Finding my way back

"I am not lazy, It's just that I am on an energy saving mode."

Well well, it has been quite sometimes, perhaps may be two year I suppose, that I was caught up in an unending noose of worldly matters. And yes sir, I must admit here that it has pretty much kept me away from my blogging life.

Now during all these good years, what I could figure out was that; responsibility never ends but should learn to prioritize, time never waits instead should  catch up, opportunity visits but never introduces hence must recognize it and most of all, one can never spindle the endless thread of life but than to accept it in a best possible and grateful manner.  

Somebody rightly said, "we don't always live for our-self instead we live for others." And I have got to say that, every word is reasonably just true to its meaning. After all we can't choose a side when we live on a circle because circle just don't have sides. 

And now that I am back to score one, I pledge with my within my own capacity that I will make up for all the good number of days lost. And sincerely hope that fellow bloggers would take me back again.  


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